Legends Rising > County Laws > Duty Horses & Patrol Standards

Duty Horses & Patrol Standards

Duty Horses

Officers are mandated to utilize their law enforcement-issued horse during duty hours. Personal horses are prohibited due to potential hindrances in handling, speed, and performance. These horses are typically deputized by high command and assigned directly to the officer.

Patrol Standards

During patrols, officers are often assigned specific areas to actively monitor, a directive typically issued by either command or high command. The following guidelines must be observed during patrols:

  • Minimum Personnel: A patrol must consist of at least 2 officers.
  • Transportation: If there are 2 officers, horses may be utilized; however, if there are more than 4 officers, a wagon may be used.
  • Uniform Adherence: Officers must wear and adhere to uniform standards during patrols.
  • Route Coverage: Patrols should sweep main roads and high-traffic areas of assigned towns.
  • Community Interaction: Patrols provide an excellent opportunity for community relations. Officers are reminded to maintain professionalism and adhere to all law standards.

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Duty Horses & Patrol Standards